By Hannah Swart
A recent case has developed involving the assault of a police officer. Late one night, a person or persons unknown sneaked up behind the beadle and struck him over the head, perhaps intending to render him unconscious in order to commit a crime unnoticed. Fortunately, a good citizen happened to hear the ruckus from his bedroom, and shouted at the criminal or criminals, who were scared off. The case was brought to trial at Guildhall on the 8th. A young boy, about 14 years of age, was brought to the witness-box, under the belief that he had some knowledge of the case. The following exchange occurred:
"Alderman Humphery: Well, do you know what you
are about? Do you know what an oath is? Boy: No.
Alderman: Can you read? Boy: No. Alderman:
Do you ever say your prayers? Boy: No; never.Alderman: Do you know what prayers are? Boy: No.
Alderman: Do you know what God is? Boy: No.
Alderman: Do you know what the devil is? Boy:
I've heard of the devil, but I don't know him.Alderman: What do you know? Boy; I knows how to
sweep the crossings. Alderman: And that's all? Boy:
That's all. I sweeps a crossing. The Alderman said
that in all his experience he had never met with
anything like the deplorable ignorance of the poor unfortunate child in the witness-box."
The search continues to discover new information in the case of the assault of a police officer.
Household Words Narrative. 7 Narrative of Law and Crime. 5/18/1850
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